• 16 августа 2015, воскресенье
  • Москва, 4 Самотечный переулок д.9

English class for Intermediate students

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Школа английского More English
3196 дней назад
16 августа 2015 c 17:00 до 18:30
4 Самотечный переулок д.9

For and against — what kind of travelling do you go for? It is an open lesson for students who are willing to work in pairs, debate on the given statements, cooperate with each other on the raised topic so that to work and improve their English speaking skills. The class is held by a CELTA certificated teacher Maya Golikova.


This lesson teaches useful expressions for giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing. The students listen to and watch an animated video of three travellers discussing the impact of tourism on a historical European town and study the language used in the conversation. At the end of the lesson, the learners select from a list of discussion topics and practise sharing their own opinions.


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