• 16 августа 2015, воскресенье
  • Москва, 4-Самотечный переулок 9

Conversation Club Meeting - Upper-Intermediate Level

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Школа английского More English
3196 дней назад
16 августа 2015 c 15:30 до 17:00
4-Самотечный переулок 9

Is the customer king? The theme of this lesson is customer service, it is an article based lesson where students are supposed to work in pairs, debate on the given statements, cooperate with each other on the raised topic. The class is held by a CELTA certificated teacher Maya Golikova.

Students read an article taken from The Independent Magazine about the opinions of business travellers on the customer service at hotels in different parts of the world. Words and expressions for describing customer service are practised. In the grammar section of the worksheet, tenses for describing a past experience are studied. At the end of the lesson, students talk about their own customer service experiences.


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